Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District

About the District

  • Service area: 4,500 acres
  • Service recipients: 17,548 Equivalent Single-Family Dwelling
  • Treatment level: Tertiary
  • Design capacity: 3,000,000 gallons per day (average daily dry weather flow)
  • Discharge: Between May 1 and October 30 the recycled water is used for irrigation and wetland habitat enhancement. Between November 1 and April 30 recycled water is discharged into Schell Slough or Hudeman Slough.
  • Board of Directors: The Mayor of the City of Sonoma, the chair and first district supervisor of Sonoma Water's Board of Director act as the District's Board.

Newsletter and Proposition 218 Notice

Budget Information

District Programs/Projects

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) was approved by FEMA on Sept. 13, 2016 for a period of five years. The approval of this plan ensures the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District's continued eligibility for project grants under FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs.

Learn more about the LHMP

Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance

In response to aging infrastructure, the SVCSD Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance requires property owners of homes and businesses that are 30 years or older to have their sewer laterals inspected and repaired, if necessary, in order to prevent sewer overflows that contribute to pollution and result in costly fines to the District. An estimated two-thirds of the sewer laterals in Sonoma Valley are at least 30 years old and likely in need of repair.

Learn more about the Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance

SVCSD Sewer Trunk Main Replacement Project

The Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (District) is in the process of replacing a portion of the existing sewer trunk main alignment in three phases.

Learn more about the SVCSD Sewer Trunk Main Replacement Project

Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Sanitary Sewer System Spill Notification Program

On behalf of the Russian River County Sanitation District, Sonoma Water is offering the opportunity for customers to opt into a program designed to provide notifications during sanitary sewer system spills.

Spills may occur during heavy rain events or periods of high-water flow in area creeks. During these events, Sonoma Water crews will respond to the incident. In cases where there are potential impacts to customers, Sonoma Water has provided a platform for communication and updates. Opting into voice calls, text messages, and/or email notifications will ensure that you receive up-to-date information about the impacts of these spills in your area.

To issue these notifications, Sonoma Water is using an alert and notification system which securely stores contact data and allows Sonoma Water staff to issue notifications to multiple contact points simultaneously. The information provided will be used only for these specific notifications.

To opt into this notification service, please add your information in this form: You may also sign up for updates about the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District and news on programs and projects.

For questions, please contact 707-523-1070 or

svcsd-rate-image2.jpgHow your sewer bill is calculated

The District calculates residential sewer bills by using a volume-based rate structure.  Thirty percent of your sewer bill is based on the amount of household water used during the winter months, beginning in December through February.  The remaining seventy percent of the sewer bill is based on a fixed cost to cover operations and maintenance expenses related to keeping the sewage collection system and treatment facility updated to meet public health and environmental regulations. The rate structure does not apply to commercial customers, as they are charged based on a fixed rate structure. Learn more about how your rate is calculated.

Ways to lower your sewer bill

The following rebate and incentive programs may be available from your water provider to help lower your sewer bill. Please contact your service provider for more information, eligibility, funding availability, and applications for the rebates before purchase. Product specifications, requirements and restrictions vary by service provider.

From your water provider:

Contact information

District Treatment Plant Address

22675 8th St. East
Sonoma, CA  95476