
Sonoma Water's goal is to protect and sustain our watersheds to maintain water resources, ecosystems, and communities. 

Carbon Free Water

In 2015, Sonoma Water achieved the goal of operating a Carbon Free Water System. This is our commitment to meeting our energy supply needs with solely non-fossil fuel based, cost-effective resources.

Climate Adaptation

Sonoma Water’s board approved in October 2021 its forward-looking climate adaptation plan to serve as a roadmap for Sonoma Water's assessment of climate risks and potential adaptation strategies related to its water supply, sanitation, and flood control infrastructure and operations.

Environmental Documents

Environmental Resources staff also provides support and documentation in complying with various federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations for Sonoma Water projects.


Our Environmental Resources staff work to improve the native fish resources of the Russian River and its tributaries by conducting research and coordinating fishery enhancement projects.

Integrated Pest Management Program

Sonoma Water uses its Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to support internal maintenance planning and provide guidance on vegetation management.

Mark West Creek Preserve 

Sonoma Water works with the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District on implementing the recreation and conservation easements of the property. 

Russian River Biological Opinion 

The Russian River Biological Opinion is a federally mandated 15-year blueprint to save endangered fish and ensure our water supply.

Water Use Efficiency

We partner with local water suppliers to provide water conservation programs that help save water by using it more effectively and efficiently.