Sonoma Water is responsible for maintaining vegetation at multiple locations throughout Sonoma County. Sonoma Water uses its Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to support internal maintenance planning and provide guidance on vegetation management. Consistent with the University of California's definition of IPM, a 6-step process is used to identify and monitor undesirable vegetation and set site-specific thresholds for the following operational areas:
Vegetation in these areas is managed using one or more biological, physical, cultural, or mechanical tools. Herbicides are used as needed by licensed and trained staff and herbicide use is reduced or limited based on a site-specific prioritization process. Vegetation management effectiveness and field activities are recorded in a GIS database to continually evaluate and refine IPM activities. Recognizing the diversity and importance of natural resources in Sonoma County, Sonoma Water staff performing IPM are trained to identify habitat and recognize special status species. As necessary, work is postponed until special status species are not harmed.
Sonoma Water's IPM program complies with all local, state, and federal requirements, including its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.