Saving Water Programs

Sonoma Water is the lead agency of the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership which represents 13 water utilities that have joined together to provide regional water saving programs and rebates. Visit the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership website for more information.

Regional Saving Water Programs 

DIY Energy and Water Savings Toolkit

The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Home Energy and Water Savings Toolkits are stocked with energy and water saving supplies that can help measure how much energy or water is being consumed in your home and allows you to make easy upgrades by providing you with efficient fixtures. The DIY Toolkits are available to check out for free at Sonoma County Library branches. 

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Eco-Friendly Garden Tour 

The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership hosts an annual garden tour to promote sustainable landscape practices by showcasing gardens throughout Sonoma and Marin counties.

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Garden Sense

In collaboration with the UC Sonoma County Master Gardener Program, Garden Sense consultants are trained Master Gardeners who provide free on-site advice and can help with:

  • Converting lawn to a low-water-use landscape
  • Plant suggestions based on your site conditions
  • Sketch of planting layout
  • An irrigation assessment

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Irrigation Scheduling Tool 

Create an irrigation watering schedule using our tool that can be customized to your location. The Irrigation Scheduling Tool pulls data from local weather stations daily, providing you with an accurate measurement of the total water use needed by plants each week.

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Qualified Water Efficient Landscapers

Hire a Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper professional. Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper professionals have training in efficient irrigation principles and sustainable landscaping practices and can help with:

  • Reducing runoff and overspray
  • Select and install efficient irrigation equipment
  • Develop an irrigation schedule and program your irrigation controller

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Water Smart Plants 

Water conservation is an essential consideration when selecting plants for Sonoma and Marin county landscapes. Plants that are adapted to our local climate require 70-90% less irrigation than turf grass and provide habitat for pollinators, insects, birds and wildlife.

Search for plants that are adapted to our summer dry climate using the Water Smart Plant Picker or look for the Water Smart Plant Label at local plant nurseries.


Sonoma Water is a WaterSense Promotional Partner. WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that seeks to protect the future of our nation's water supply by promoting water efficiency and enhancing the market for water-efficient products, programs and practices. Look for the WaterSense logo when you are shopping to identify high-performing, water-efficient products. 

Save Our Water

Sonoma Water is a partner in the Save Our Water public outreach campaign along with the Association of California Water Agencies, California Department of Water Resources and the Governor’s Office.