Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Plant Public Tour Signup

Thank you for your interest in registering for a Sonoma Water guided tour. 

You will be notified with additional details and directions closer to your selected tour date. 

Register each individual separately, please fill out a form for each member in your household who plans to attend. 

Please note that in order to participate in these tours, children and minors must be 4th grade and older and accompanied by an adult.

Sign up for Sonoma Water's E-News to receive notifications of upcoming tours.  

* Required

example: 5th grade / Darlene Ramos
Note that the tour will include walking outdoors on dirt paths with variable terrain. Will you or members of your party require any assistance on this tour, such as accessibility into a van or any other ADA related concerns? If so, please let us know how we can accommodate your needs.
Do you have any questions or messages for the tour staff?
