Sanitation Rate Relief Program

The Districts and Zones offer a discount on Sewer Service Charges for low-income owner-occupied homes and for 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that provide housing to low-income renters.

Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) operates and manages Occidental County Sanitation District, Russian River County Sanitation District, Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District, and South Park County Sanitation District (Districts). 

Sonoma Water owns, operates, and manages Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation Zone, Geyserville Sanitation Zone, Penngrove Sanitation Zone, and Sea Ranch Sanitation Zone (Zones).

REDUCED RATE: The reduced rate will be 50% of your total Annual Sewer Service Charge. 

Application period will open on April 16th, 2025.

  • Anyone receiving the rate reduction and found to be in violation of program rules will be removed from the program and may be liable for repayment of the discount from the time that the discount was received.
  • Applicants will be notified of their eligibility. Applications are accepted until funds are exhausted and a waiting list will be maintained.
  • If your application is accepted, you will receive the sewer service charge rate reduction credit on your 2025-2026 property tax bill. If your 2025-2026 property tax bill has been paid in full, you will be issued a refund of the difference between the sewer service charge and the credit. 
  • You must renew your complete eligibility application every year.

Applying for the Sanitation Rate Relief Program

The Districts and Zones begin taking applications for the next fiscal year (July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026) with approval from the Board of Directors.

Application period will open on April 16th, 2025.

You can obtain a Sanitation Rate Relief Program application below:

English Application

Aplicación en espanol - Spanish Application

Call Sonoma Water at (707) 521-1885


Stop by Sonoma Water’s offices at 404 Aviation Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Eligibility Requirements

Who can apply?

The Sanitation Rate Relief Program provides financial assistance to eligible homeowners who are billed sewer service charges on their property tax bill. To be eligible, homeowners must meet the following requirements:

  1. Live in the home as their primary residence
  2. Own their home
  3. Be a current participant in the PG&E CARE Program OR have a total income of all persons living in the home of 75% or less of the area median family income, which will be determined by the current Sonoma County Community Development Commission income limits.
  4. If you are a landlord or mobile home park owner, you will be required to provide evidence that you will pass through the rate relief savings to the residents paying rent.

What is household income?

Household income includes all revenues from all household members, from whatever sources derived, whether taxable or non-taxable, including, but not limited to:

  • Wages, salaries, pensions
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Self-employment profit
  • Disability payments
  • Workers compensation
  • Child or spousal support
  • Interest or dividends from savings accounts, stocks, bonds, retirement accounts
  • Rent or royalty income
  • Cash income or gifts
  • Scholarship, grants, or other aid used for living expenses
  • Insurance or legal settlements
  • Social Security, SSI, SSP
  • Food stamps or TANF (AFDC)

How to apply?

To apply for the Sanitation Rate Relief Program, owner-occupied homeowners must submit:

  1. Signed Application Form (Applications may be submitted electronically and can include a digital signature).
  2. A copy of your Property Tax Statement.
  3. Current PG&E CARE Program participants must submit a copy of their most recent PG&E bill as proof of participation in the CARE Program. If you are not currently enrolled in the PG&E CARE Program (California Alternate Rates for Energy program), visit for more information.
  4. If your household is not a participant in the PG&E CARE Program, you must submit a copy of signed 2024 Federal Income Tax Returns for all household members (includes household members in all dwelling units on the property) who filed 2024 returns.

Criteria for Non-Profit Organizations

Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organizations that wish to apply for the Sanitation Rate Relief Program must:

Rent 85% or more of each property applying to tenants that have household earnings of 75% or less of area median family income, which will be determined by the Sonoma County Community Development Commission income limits shown on the application form.

To apply for the Sanitation Rate Relief Program, Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organizations must submit:

  1. 501(c)(3) certificates and program materials,
  2. Evidence showing that they rent 85% or more of the subject property to tenants that have household earnings of 75% or less of the area median family income,
  3. You will be required to provide evidence that you will pass through the rate relief savings to the residents paying rent.

Application period will open on April 16th, 2025.

Contact us 

For questions about the Sanitation Rate Relief Program call (707) 521-1885 or email

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click on the question below to see the answer.
1. If a property has multiple owners, do all the names on the deed need to provide income statements or tax returns?

Tax returns are only requested from individuals living on the property. If there are owners who do not reside on the property, we do not require their tax returns. 

2. Do mobile home parks qualify for the program?

Yes - Mobile home parks pose unique challenges in verifying relief distribution to residents. However, we are open to working with mobile home park owners who are willing to collect tax records from residents, submit an application, qualify as low-income, and provide evidence that the relief is passed to residents within 90 calendars of receiving the rate relief. This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure savings are passed on to mobile home park residents.

3. Do ADUs/Duplexes/Triplexes and properties with multiple single-family dwellings qualify?

Yes - We understand that ADUs, Duplexes, and Triplexes often house multiple families within a single property.

 To ensure eligibility, income data for renters may be needed for eligibility calculation, as they are considered part of the same household for tax purposes. We require proof of income for all household members/renters for these dwelling units.  

We are open to working with landlords who are willing to collect tax records from residents, submit an application, qualify as low-income, and provide evidence that the relief is passed to residents within 90 calendars of receiving the rate relief.  This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure savings are passed on to renters and other family living on the property.

4. Can income determination be made using the State Return?

Gross income from the Federal tax return, not adjusted gross income, is used for eligibility. State returns will not be accepted.

5. Is a partial tax return submission sufficient?

Partial submissions without signatures are not accepted, we require signed tax returns in their entirety. 

6. Can past tax returns be accepted if taxes have not been filed yet?

If 2024 tax returns are unavailable, alternative documentation such as W2s, Social Security, or 1099s can be submitted to support eligibility. 2023 tax returns and previous years will not be accepted.

7. Is Homeless Action Sonoma eligible to receive sanitation relief discount?

Yes- Homeless Action Sonoma is eligible for sanitation relief discount since this is within the spirit of the Board’s intent. Homeless Action Sonoma is a nonprofit organization providing housing to 20 homeless people but doesn’t charge them rent or utilities. The rate relief will provide funds to the nonprofit to better services the homeless.