On February 19, 2025, Sonoma Water filed a temporary urgency change petition (TUCP) with the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights. The TUCP requests a change to Permit 16596 (Application 19351) to authorize a new point of rediversion associated with Sonoma Water’s Sebastopol Road Well Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Pilot Study. If approved, Sonoma Water would be authorized to recharge water diverted from the Russian River into the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Subbasin at the Sebastopol Road Well site from June 1, 2025, through November 27, 2025. The pilot study would operate in recharge/recovery cycles at a maximum recharge rate of 1.2 cubic feet per second. The total recharge and recovery amount would be limited to 50 acre-feet. The reconstruction of the Sebastopol Road Well and its conversion to an ASR well is a component of Sonoma Water’s Water Supply Resiliency Program.
Petition for Temporary Urgency Change
For more information visit https://www.sonomawater.org/tucp
DATE OF NOTICE: 2/28/2025
Sonoma County Water Agency Property Located At
330 Hewett Street, Santa Rosa, California
(Assessor Parcel No. 010-700-015)
NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Sonoma County Water Agency, State of California, did, on the 14th day of January 2025, adopt Resolution No. 25-0027 (“Resolution of Intent”), by not less than a four-fifths vote of all of its members, declaring the Board’s intention to sell the following real property on the terms, conditions and requirements stated in the Resolution of Intent:
The Sonoma County Water Agency (“Sonoma Water”) is the fee title owner of real property located at 330 Hewett Street in the City of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, identified as Assessor Parcel Number 010-700-015, containing approximately 29,209 square feet, (“Property”).
The complete terms, conditions and procedures for sale of the Property are set forth in the Resolution of Intent, copies of which are available to be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office, 575 Administration Drive, Room 100 A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Sonoma Water shall publish the Property for sale online through Sonoma Water’s website with a minimum bid price of $500,000 and shall supply a sealed bid submittal form available for potential offerors to download prior to the auction at www.sonomawater.org/projects.
SEALED BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY MAIL OR IN-PERSON PRIOR TO AUCTION, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, Sonoma Water will begin accepting sealed bids to purchase the Property. Bids must be received by mail or hand delivered to the office of Sonoma Water to the reception desk during business hours only; in order to be considered, bids must be received prior to 4:00 p.m. on April 8, 2025.
Sonoma Water
ATTN: Sealed Bid Surplus Sale
404 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
SEALED BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE AUCTION ON APRIL 9, 2025, in-person only beginning at 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday April 9, 2025, at the office of Sonoma Water. Bid opening for all validly submitted sealed bids will commence approximately at 1:00 p.m. and shortly thereafter the highest bid will be announced. Further pursuant to CA Government Code 25530, a call for oral bids will be made, which must exceed the highest bid by at least 5 percent, and after the closing of oral bidding all oral bids will be promptly evaluated, and the final and highest bid offer will be declared.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
For more information visit https://www.sonomawater.org/projects
Meetings Notice: The next meetings of the advisory committees for flood protection zones 1A, 2A, and 3A will be held in December 2024 on the dates and times listed below. The meetings will be held in-person and are open to the public.
The flood protection zone advisory committees meet annually to discuss flood protection, stream maintenance, and storm water management issues within the Laguna-Mark West Creek, Petaluma River, and Sonoma Creek watersheds, including current projects and consideration of the recommended upcoming fiscal year budgets. The December 2024 meeting agendas and location information are available here: https://www.sonomawater.org/zone-advisory-committees
If you have questions or comments regarding the flood protection zone advisory committees, please contact Chase Takajo, a Sonoma Water Engineer, at Chase.Takajo@scwa.ca.gov
On March 12, 2025, Sonoma Water filed temporary urgency change petitions (TUCPs) with the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights. These petitions were submitted to temporarily modify the permit terms that establish the hydrologic conditions for setting the minimum instream flow requirements. The hydrologic index for the Russian River was established by Decision 1610 in 1986 for Permits 12947A, 12949, 12950 and 16596. In response to changed watershed conditions due to recent operational changes of PG&E's Potter Valley Project, these modifications are necessary to ensure alignment of the hydrologic index designations with actual watershed conditions.
For more information visit https://www.sonomawater.org/tucp
On May 21, 2024, at 9:45 a.m., the Boards of Directors of the Sonoma County Water Agency, Occidental County Sanitation District, Russian River County Sanitation District, Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District, and South Park County Sanitation District adopted ordinances establishing rates and placing sewer service charges on the tax roll.
Rates were raised to cover the increased cost of maintaining the sanitation systems.
Copies of the adopted ordinances and additional information about the charges are posted at the links below:
DATE OF NOTICE: April 23, 2024
Notice of Temporary Urgency Change Petition
Objections filed in response to this notice should be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on May 23, 2024.
Learn more https://www.sonomawater.org/tucp
As part of our comprehensive Stream Maintenance Program (SMP), each summer and fall Sonoma Water works in and around streams throughout Sonoma County to provide flood protection and improve water quality. For more information regarding the SMP, and the list of streams we plan to maintain in, view the SMP webpage:
On days when the Board of Directors meet.
Public comment on matters not listed on the agenda but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board and on board member reports (Comments are restricted to matters within the Board’s jurisdiction. The Board will hear public comments at this time for up to thirty minutes. Each person is usually granted time at the discretion of the Chair. Any additional public comments will be heard at the conclusion of the meeting. While members of the public are welcome to address the Board, under the Brown Act, Board members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda.)
The California Public Records Act requires that governmental records be accessible to the public when requested, unless exempt by the law. Requests for identifiable, disclosable records will be responded to promptly within the required timeframe.
Be as specific as possible in your request (include the type of record being requested) and include a date range.
If you have a Public Records Request, use the Submit a Records Request Form.
If you have a question about a Sonoma Water project or issue, please use our Contact Form