Projects Out to Bid

Annually, Sonoma Water develops a Capital Projects Plan that describes the infrastructure projects that are planned for the next five years.  These projects are designed to meet regulatory requirements and also replace aging facilities.  Below is the list of projects that are currently out to bid.

List of Projects

Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information C-Band Radar at Mt. Barnabe

For Projects Out-to-Bid, bidders may obtain electronic Bidding Documents on the Sonoma Water Portal. Bidders may obtain printed Bidding Documents as described in the advertisement for bids for the project.

Registration in the Sonoma Water Portal is required to view Bidding Documents. Viewing a Bidding Document automatically adds you as a Plan Holder for that project, and you will receive email notifications should any addenda be released for that project. You can receive email notifications when new bids are posted by registering in the Sonoma Water Portal, selecting "My Subscriptions" and selecting the "Projects Out To Bid" category.

Bidder questions may be submitted via email to: Please identify the specific project to which you are referring in the title of the email. If questions are received within the time specified in the Bidding Documents, and if Owner determines that a response is necessary, Owner will transmit answers in the form of an addendum (or addenda) to all parties recorded as having received Bidding Documents (planholders list). Responses to some questions may be delayed so that addenda may address several issues at once. Owner will attempt to address questions in a timely manner to allow sufficient time for Bidders to prepare their Bids. Please refrain from contacting staff by phone or email so that we have time to adequately address your question and process addenda, if appropriate.

Bid Results

     Bid Results_RRCSD Main Lift Aboveground Fuel Tank.pdf 

Requests for Statements of Qualifications or Proposals

Informal Bid List

Sonoma Water and its affiliated County Sanitation Districts (Districts) annually maintain a contractors list for distribution of Notices for Informal Bids under provisions of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCA).

Affiliated County Sanitation Districts include:

  • Occidental County Sanitation District
  • Russian River County Sanitation District
  • Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
  • South Park County Sanitation District

Contractors on the list would receive notification inviting bids on Sonoma Water and District projects estimated to cost less than $220,000 and involving work under their license class.

Interested contractors are required to provide the name, email and address to which a Notice Inviting Informal Bids may be sent, a telephone number at which the contractor may be reached, the type of work which the contractor is interested in and currently licensed to do, together with the class of contractor’s license(s) held and contractor’s license number(s). To be added to the Informal Bid List, please fill out the online Informal Bid List Request form or send requests to:

Sonoma Water
Attn: Technical Writing
404 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-9019

Notice of Establishment of Qualified Contractors List for Informal Bidding