Sonoma Water is planning the public sale of surplus property on April 9, 2025. The surplus property is located at:
330 Hewett Street, Santa Rosa
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 010-700-015
Parcel size: 29,209 square feet (0.671 acres)
Minimum offer bid: $500,000
Please carefully review the sealed bid terms and conditions and all property information.
Sealed bids will be accepted by mail or in-person prior to the auction at the address below starting on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, sealed bids must state on the outside of the envelope “Sealed Bid Surplus Property” and be delivered by mail or in-person to the reception desk of Sonoma Water during business hours only, and must be received by Sonoma Water before April 8, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. at:
Sonoma Water
ATTN: Sealed Bid Surplus Property
404 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Questions may be directed to Dan Mason, Sonoma Water Right-of-Way Agent at
Sonoma Water has numerous projects, initiatives, and studies to work towards this goal:
View Infrastructure Improvement Projects
Notice to Consultants, Contractors, Suppliers and Grantees: Compliance with Executive Order N-6-22, Russian Sanctions (posted 9/8/2022)
Russian Sanctions/Executive Order N-6-22
Notice of Living Wage Rate Increase to Consultants and Contractors (posted 2/15/22)