Preparing for Emergencies

Sonoma and Marin counties are all too familiar with natural disasters. Our region is prone to wildfires, earthquakes, flooding and power outages. North Bay residents are strongly encouraged to be prepared for the loss of electrical power, natural gas and water services in the event of a major natural disaster.

Water Infrastructure Damage from Major Earthquake

In the event of a major earthquake, the pipelines that distribute water to more than 600,000 people in Sonoma and Marin counties could be damaged and water service could be disrupted until repairs are made. If water pressure is lost during an earthquake, fire or other catastrophic event, urgent action will be taken to assure water service is restored immediately. Depending on the severity of damage, residents should be prepared with their own water supply for a minimum of 7 days.

Power Outages and Water Conservation

In the event of a power outage, Sonoma County’s water and sewer systems are supported by back-up power. During a loss of power, Sonoma Water is prepared to maintain its normal water deliveries to our wholesale water customers by using auxiliary power. Those customers include the cities of Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Cotati, Rohnert Park, Sonoma, Town of Windsor, North Marin Water District, Marin Municipal Water District, Valley of the Moon Water District and several private water utilities.

While these back-up generators are expected to minimize impacts to customers caused by planned power shutoffs, there may be situations when delivery capabilities are reduced. In the event of a power shutdown, customers may be asked to minimize indoor water use, and curtail outdoor water irrigation to help maintain water supply for public health, sanitation and fire protection needs.

You should check with your local water supplier to see if your water system is impacted.

Wildfires Response

Flood Protection

Who to Call if You Experience Loss of Public Water Service

City of Santa Rosa

City of Sonoma

City of Petaluma

Town of Windsor

City of Rohnert Park

North Marin Water District

City of Cotati

Valley of the Moon
 Water District


California American Water
 (Larkfield & Geyserville)


Private Water Companies

If you are served by a privately operated water system, you should have that contact information ready in the event of an emergency.

Well Users

Residents with private wells, private water pumps, and private sewer grinder/booster pumps need to be prepared in the event of a power outage. Know how your water and sewer system operate and have a back-up plan during an outage.

More Information

For more emergency preparedness resources, please visit the Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management Website