Sonoma County Flood Risk Management Assessment

Sonoma County is prone to the most recurrent flood damages of any county in the 11 western states. More than 99 percent of flood damages in Sonoma County have been attributed to atmospheric river events.

Climate forecasts indicate that flooding will become more extreme in Sonoma County in the future with increased atmospheric river activity, including more frequent storms of longer duration and higher intensity. Currently, flood risk management in Sonoma County is spread across multiple agencies and levels of government, with inconsistent coordination and minimal comprehensive planning for countywide flood-risk management among these organizations.

The Sonoma County Flood Risk Management Assessment effort, funded by County of Sonoma’s Climate Resiliency Fund and Water Security Fund, identified gaps in flood risk management services and opportunities for regional collaboration in Sonoma County to pursue a more comprehensive and integrated countywide flood management and adaptation strategy. This is a partner-driven effort, with participation from numerous county departments, cities, Resource Conservation Districts and other key entities. 

The final Summary Report (linked below) provides high-level recommendations for improved flood risk management in Sonoma County and will serve as a guiding document to apply for additional funding, to implement actions and to continue collaboration.