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Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I call for water service?

Every area has its own separate water company. Most of the time the city's public utilities will provide the water service. Other times it will be a water company. To see a list of local water suppliers Click Here.

Who do I call to request water service to be turned on / off?

Every area has its own separate water company. Most of the time the city's public utilities will provide the water service. Other times it will be a water company. To see a list of local water suppliers Click Here.

What address do I mail my water payment?

Every area has its own separate water company. Most of the time the city's public utilities will provide the water service. Other times it will be a water company. To see a list of local water suppliers Click Here.

Who do I talk to about setting up sewer service?

The cities public utilities departments handle their own connections. If your property is located in the county, call the Sonoma County Permit and Resource Department at 707-565-1900 to obtain a sewer permit.

Who can explain my sewer rates?

Contact Sonoma Water to discuss your sewer rates.

Who do I call regarding rebates on low-flow toilets?

Contact either your local water company or the Water Use Efficiency Department at Sonoma Water at 707-547-1918.

Where do I call for septic permits and questions about my septic system?

The Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department at 707-565-1900 handles questions regarding septic systems.

Where can I get a percolation (perc) test for my septic system?

Call the Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department at 707-565-1900.

Where do I get information regarding private wells?

Call the Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department at 707-565-1900.

How is my drinking water treated?

Sonoma Water is a wholesaler of water. We collect the water and distribute it to most of the cities and large water companies around Sonoma County and in North Marin County. We only chlorinate and pH adjust the water; the utility companies may or may not add additional things. Check with the water company in your area to determine what is in their water. To see a list of local water suppliers Click Here.

Where can I get my water tested?

The Environmental Health Division of Sonoma County will test for bacteria only. Their phone number is 707-565-4711. 

Where do I inquire about water quality?

Drinking Water: Call the State Department of Health Services, Drinking Water Field Operations. The phone number for their Santa Rosa office is 707-576-2145.

Creeks/Rivers Water: Call the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The phone number for their North Coast Region office in Santa Rosa is 707-576-2220.

Private Well Water: Call the Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department at 707-565-1900.

Who do I call regarding creek cleanup / maintenance?

Either the county or your local city's public works department handle cleanup and maintenance of the creeks and channels in Sonoma County. Contact us and we will help determine jurisdiction.

Where do I call to get flooding reports?

Two hotlines are updated on an as needed basis when the situation may be critical:

  • Sonoma County Department of Emergency Services Public Hotline — 707-565-3856

  • Sonoma Water Flood Forecast Line — 707-526-4768

Where can I get recycled water for irrigation?

Sonoma Water sells recycled wastewater from the following treatment plants: Airport, Graton, Forestville, and Sonoma Valley. Call 707-521-1892 for further information.

The City of Santa Rosa also sells recycled water from their treatment plant. Call the Laguna Treatment Plant at 707-543-3350 for information.

Is fluoride added to the water provided by Sonoma Water?

Fluoride is not added to the water provided by Sonoma Water to its water contractors.