Wastewater service for Airport-Larkfield-Wikiup Sanitation Zone (ALWSZ) is currently provided by Sonoma Water. A project is now taking shape through which some or all of the ALWSZ will consolidate with Windsor Water District. Once the project is complete, wastewater service will instead be provided by the Windsor Water District through its Water Reclamation Facility (WRF).
The neighborhood of Larkfield Estates, which was heavily impacted by the October 2017 Sonoma Complex Fires, lies within the boundary of the Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation Zone (ALWSZ) and is therefore eligible to connect to sewer service. As the neighborhood rebuilds, property owners may be interested in pursuing sewer connection for their properties. In order to connect homes in Larkfield Estates to the ALWSZ, a sewer collection system needs to be designed and built, and property owners would need to pay the ALWSZ connection fee.
After being approached by property owners in Larkfield Estates, Sonoma Water has developed a program to extend sewer service to the neighborhood for voluntary connection as well as a financing program for property owners interested in connecting to sewer. Participation in the sewer project is entirely voluntary.
Learn more about the Larkfield Estates Sewer Extension and Financing Program
Sonoma Water has proposed a sewer lateral ordinance aimed at preventing sewer overflows that occur during heavy rains. The ordinance would apply to the Russian River and Occidental County Sanitation Districts, and the Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup, Geyserville, and Sea Ranch Sanitation Zones, all of which are operated by Sonoma Water.
The ordinance would provide Sonoma Water with the ability to inspect, and if necessary, require the repair of sewer laterals that are failing and contributing to pollution and sewer overflows. The proposed ordinance will NOT require any point-of-sale sewer lateral inspections or repairs. The proposed ordinance would not include a mandatory inspections program, but if faulty laterals are detected during routine inspections, Sonoma Water could require repairs. An inspection could also be required if a main sewer line that is connected to the lateral is being replaced or rehabilitated. The ordinance is proposed in five sanitation zones and districts Sonoma Water manages in Sonoma County.
Learn more the Proposed Sewer Lateral Ordinance