Strategic Plan

The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to provide an overall vision for Sonoma Water and quantified objectives to measure the effectiveness of our work. 

The Strategic Plan articulates our view of the future of Sonoma Water over the next five years—including the opportunities to invest in critical infrastructure, improve resilience to climate change and to promote environmental equity. 

2023 Strategic Plan Dashboard

The 2023 Strategic Plan Dashboard is a five-year roadmap for the future and includes a mission statement, vision statement, values and six goals focused on organizational excellence, planning and infrastructure, environmental stewardship, emergency preparedness, climate change and community engagement. The dashboard is designed to improve tracking and provide transparency in reporting progress toward achieving strategic plan goals. 

View the 2023 Strategic Plan Dashboard

Related Documents

About Us - Sonoma Water's vision, mission, values, core functions

Annual Reports - Updates on past accomplishments

FAQ – What is Sonoma Water? What does Sonoma Water do?

Financial Reports – Annual financial reports on past year expenditures and agency funding

Governing - How is Sonoma Water governed?

Organization Chart - How duties/employees are organized within Sonoma Water

If you have any questions regarding the 2023 Strategic Plan please contact